Prototypes and Samples

We can make your Prototypes and Samples if we have a good functional pattern in hand (a pattern that is used for sewing and not mechanical CAD drawing.  Seam allowances, zipper, pocket placement, snaps, etc need to be properly annotated to ensure proper placement and setting).  A Pattern Maker usually does this for you to ensure that your product goes together correctly.  If we have your patterns in hand but they need modifications there will be additional charges.

Cost for prototypes and samples will be at a rate of $50.00 per hour


Patterns – usually made from a rigid reusable material – cardboard, plastic, etc.  Something that will stand up to repetitive use.

Markers – usually some kind of lightweight one time use material like thin paper.  These are generally one time use and, more for the placement of parts during the cut process, ensure you get the best yield possible for your materials saving you money during production.